Eighth Intersessional Meeting of UNCITRAL Working Group III

Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform

UNCITRAL Working Group lll continues its mandate to work on possible reform of investor-State dispute settlement (lSDS). Key issues concerning an appellate mechanism and a multilateral instrument on ISDS Reform will be further discussed at this intersessional meeting. The panels will engage in in-depth discussions aimed at advancing the current reform process and understanding the possible implications of these reforms.


Tentative Agenda

  • 08:30-09:00Registration
  • 09:00-09:30Welcome Remarks
  • 09:30-09:45Group Photo
  • 09:45-11:00Panel I: An Appellate Mechanism for ISDS: Rationale and Implications
  • 11:00-11:15Tea/Coffee Break
  • 11:15-12:30Panel II: Structuring an Appellate Mechanism
  • 12:30-14:30Lunch and side event: Asian Academy of International Law - Assessment of damages and compensation
  • 14:30-15:45Panel III: Key components of an Appellate Mechanism
  • 15:45-16:00Tea/Coffee Break
  • 16:00-17:30Panel IV: Impact of an appeal on the first-tier proceeding and award as well as on other proceedings
  • 17:40-19:00Reception hosted by the Government of the People's Republic of China
  • 09:00-09:30Welcome tea/coffee
  • 09:30-10:50Panel V: Standing Mechanism and issues relating to an Appellate Mechanism
  • 10:50-11:05Tea/Coffee Break
  • 11:05-12:25 Panel VI: Multilateral instrument on ISDS Reform and issues relating to an Appellate Mechanism
  • 12:25-14:30Lunch and side event: Law School, Sichuan University; Sichuan University Collaborative Training Innovative Base for Foreign-related Legal Talents - ISDS Reform: Practical Dilemma and Institutional Reconstruction
  • 14:30-16:00 Roundtable Discussion I (For WG III Delegates Only)
  • 16:00-16:15Tea/Coffee Break
  • 16:15-17:45Roundtable Discussion II (For WG III Delegates Only)
  • 17:45-18:00 Closing Remarks

Meeting Album